
We’re here to help

While the products are easy to use, to ensure you are getting the most your therapy has to offer, we have compiled the below for all relevant how-tos, guides and manuals.

minimed 780g device

MiniMed™ 780G

learning modules guides and manuals
The 780G System^ in these videos are illustrated with GuardianTM Sensor 3 CGM that is used in Australia. New Zealand uses the GuardianTM Sensor 4 CGM with MiniMedTM 780G System that needs no calibrations. For training purposes the technique remains the same for both.
MiniMedTM 780G System with GuardianTM Sensor for the management of type 1 diabetes is indicated for use by patients whose daily dose of insulin is 8 units per day or more.

minimed 780g device

MiniMed™ 770G

learning modules guides and manuals
In New Zealand the G3 CGM System is not sold with the MiniMed® 770G Pump. For Further information on CGM please refer to the MIniMed® 780G System^ Learning Modules.

Minimed 640G device

MiniMed™ 640G

Computer displays with graphs


guides and manuals

App displaying on apple watch

Apple Watch Setup

how to setup

For information, please contact InterMed Customer Services on 0800 333 444 or our Diabetes Product Specialist

Megan Ashe

Northland/Auckland/Central North Island

Mobile: +64 21 315 525

Genevieve Boyer

Lower North Island/Bay of Plenty

Mobile: +64 21 719 712

Amy Murdoch

South Island

Mobile: +64 21 190 5581