Can I take a break from the pump?
Whether it’s for a day at the beach or because you want to take a ‘pump holiday’, you can easily disconnect the pump for up to two hours*. Or you can return temporarily to injections. This can be easier when you establish a plan beforehand. Below are guidelines to help you and your healthcare provider create a plan for you. Note: The guidelines assume that you continue to use your pump insulin – most often fast-acting Humalog® or NovoRapid® – but that you are taking it by injection.
*As stated in the Medtronic Clinician workshop module 1, Session 3 slide 30 developed by Dr. Mark Forbes.
- Testing: Check blood glucose (BG) before disconnecting.
- Basal insulin: No injections required.
- Exercise: Check BG before, midway and after exercise; monitor closely over the 24 hours following vigorous exercise. Decrease dose(s) (basal and bolus) accordingly.
- Bolus™ insulin: Take injection (or re-connect/bolus) to cover carbs according to insulin-to-carb ratio and based on BG. Take injection(s) (or re-connect/bolus) to correct high BG using correction formula. If BG >13 mmol/L, check ketones.
- Testing: Monitor blood glucose (BG) before disconnecting, before meals and after the 3rd hour.
- Basal insulin: Take injection equal to missed basal dose.
- Exercise: Check BG before, midway and after exercise; monitor closely over the 24 hours following vigorous exercise. Decrease dose(s) (basal and bolus) accordingly.
- Bolus™ insulin: Take injection (or reconnect/bolus) to cover carbs according to insulin-to-carb ratio and based on BG. Take injection(s) (or reconnect/bolus) to correct high BG using correction formula. If BG is greater than 13 mmol/L, check ketones.
- Testing: Monitor blood glucose (BG) before sleep and set alarm to test every 3 to 4 hours.
- Basal insulin: Every 4 hours, take injection equal to missed basal dose.
- Exercise: Check BG before, midway and after exercise; monitor closely over the 24 hours following vigorous exercise. Decrease dose(s) (basal and bolus) accordingly.
- Bolus™ insulin: Take injection (or re-connect/bolus) to cover carbs according to insulin-to-carb ratio and based on blood BG. Take injection(s) (or re-connect/bolus) to correct high BG using correction formula. If BG is greater than 13 mmol/L, check ketones.
- Testing: Check blood glucose (BG) before meals, every 3-4 hours and before sleep.
- Basal insulin: Every 4 hours, take injection equal to missed basal dose.
- Exercise: Check BG before, midway and after exercise; monitor closely over the 24 hours following vigorous exercise. Decrease dose(s) (basal and bolus) accordingly.
- Bolus™ insulin: Take injection (or re-connect/bolus) to cover carbs according to insulin-to-carb ratio and based on BG. Take injection(s) (or re-connect/bolus) to correct high BG using correction formula. If BG is greater than 13 mmol/L check ketones.
- Testing: Frequent blood glucose (BG) monitoring is recommended for optimal control.
- Basal insulin: For convenience, your healthcare provider may prescribe longer-acting insulin in place of fast-acting insulin.
- Exercise: Check BG before, midway and after exercise; monitor closely over the 24 hours following vigorous exercise. Decrease dose(s) (basal and bolus) accordingly.
- Bolus™ insulin: Take injection (or re-connect/bolus) to cover carbs according to insulin-to-carb ratio and based on BG. Take injection(s) (or re-connect/bolus) to correct high BG using correction formula. If BG is greater than13 mmol/L, check ketones.
If you have any questions concerning your care while disconnected from your insulin pump, please contact your healthcare provider. For questions about using Medtronic Diabetes insulin pump features, please contact Medtronic Diabetes.
Humalog is a registered trademark of Eli Lilly and Company. NovoRapid is a registered trademark of Novo Nordisk A/S.